Understanding Q-assign Analytics


QA Analytics, will allow users to configure and run various "Data Views" with will extract and visualize various statistics about performance of Assignment Groups, members and queues. It helps to increase the response time towards assignments and to close or work them quickly.

Various aspects such as Assignment Count per User & Group, Creation and Assignment to First Activity of a user or group can be evaluated and based on them performance can be increased. 


Following Data Views are available in QA Analytics:


  1. Assignment Count: Per Assignment Group
  2. Assignment Count: Per Assignment Group Member
  3. Creation to Assignment 
  4. Creation to First Activity
  5. Assignment to First Activity
  6. Average: Assigned Per Group Member


Assignment Count: Per Assignment Group

It allows to see the number of records that have been assigned to a specific AG or to all AGs based on time. It shows the records per hour, day or week assigned to members of a specific AG or to all AGs. 


  • Object - lead or case 
  • Start Date - date from which the data should be collected and it is set by default a week before the current date
  • End Date - date to which the data should be restricted and it is set to default value of current date
  • Assignment Group - AG based on the object selected in Object of which the data should be collected. All Assignment Groups can also be selected here
  • Time - it represents the hour, day, week or month during which the assignments are made to AG selected in Assignment Group
  • Go - it creates the visualization based on above configurations


Assignment Count: Per Assignment Group Member

This data view allows to see the number of records assigned to the members of a specific AG or to all AGs. These records can be filtered based on time i.e. per hour, day, week or per month. The number of records assigned to each member are shown in the graph.


  • Object - lead or case
  • Start Date - date from which the data should be collected and it is set by default a week before the current date
  • End Date - date to which the data should be restricted and it is set by default to current date
  • Assignment Group - AG based on the object selected in Object of which the data should be collected. All Assignment Groups can also be selected here. Please note that data from a single as well as from all AG can be shown in graphs based on this setting.
  • Group Members - unique users which are members of a single or multiple groups based on AG selected in Assignment Group. If All Assignment Groups are selected then all unique members are shown.
  • Time- it represents the hour, day, week or month during which the assignments are made to AG selected in Assignment Group
  • Go - it creates the visualization based on above configurations


Creation to Assignment 

Creation to Assignment Data View shows the average hours taken to assign the records from their Creation Date. It allows to calculate the average time a record takes from creation to assignment to the member. Data can be filtered based on AGs and group members.


  • Object - lead or case
  • Start Date - date from which the data should be collected and it is set by default a week before the current date
  • End Date - date to which the data should be restricted and it is set by default to current date
  • Assignment Group - AG based on the object selected in Object of which the data should be collected. All Assignment Groups can also be selected here. Please note that data from a single as well as from all AG can be shown in graphs based on this setting.
  • Group Members - unique users which are members of a single or multiple groups based on AG selected in Assignment Group. If All Assignment Groups are selected then all unique members are shown.
  • Go - it creates the visualization based on above configurations


Creation to First Activity

It shows the average hours taken from Creation Date to First Activity. First Activity represents the initial working on a lead or case by a member. 


  • Object - lead or case
  • Start Date - date from which the data should be collected and it is set by default a week before the current date
  • End Date - date to which the data should be restricted and it is set by default to current date
  • Assignment Group - AG based on the object selected in Object of which the data should be collected. All Assignment Groups can also be selected here. Please note that data from a single as well as from all AG can be shown in graphs based on this setting.
  • Group Members - unique users which are members of a single or multiple groups based on AG selected in Assignment Group. If All Assignment Groups are selected then all unique members are shown.
  • Go - it creates the visualization based on above configurations


Assignment to First Activity

Assignment to First Activity shows the average hours taken by the records from assignment to First Activity. The records are assigned to members and then are further worked on by the members. First Activity denotes the initial working on a lead or case. It helps to evaluate the performance of an individual team member or the whole team.


  • Object - lead or case
  • Start Date - date from which the data should be collected and it is set by default a week before the current date
  • End Date - date to which the data should be restricted and it is set by default to current date
  • Assignment Group - AG based on the object selected in Object of which the data should be collected. All Assignment Groups can also be selected here. Please note that data from a single as well as from all AG can be shown in graphs based on this setting.
  • Group Members - unique users which are members of a single or multiple groups based on AG selected in Assignment Group. If All Assignment Groups are selected then all unique members are shown.
  • Go - it creates the visualization based on above configurations


Average: Assigned per Group Member

As the name suggests, it shows the average records that are assigned to members over a period of time. Data can be filtered based on AG or group members. 


  • Object - lead or case
  • Start Date - date from which the data should be collected and it is set by default a week before the current date
  • End Date - date to which the data should be restricted and it is set by default to current date
  • Assignment Group - AG based on the object selected in Object of which the data should be collected. All Assignment Groups can also be selected here. Please note that data from a single as well as from all AG can be shown in graphs based on this setting.
  • Group Members - unique users which are members of a single or multiple groups based on AG selected in Assignment Group. If All Assignment Groups are selected then all unique members are shown.
  • Time- it represents the hour, day, week or month during which the assignments are made to AG selected in Assignment Group
  • Go - it creates the visualization based on above configurations


Please contact us at support@ortooapps.com for any questions.
