How to Perform a Member Lookup


Member Lookup allows specifying an object to look up from the record which contains a field that can be matched to a field of a Member or any other lookup object. It also makes assignments by matching certain fields of records and members. It helps in those scenarios where records should be assigned to members based on certain criteria/skills rather than availability or load. For example, if there is a lookup to object on Case then Member Lookup with go to look up Object and match its certain field with that of the member. If fields of lookup object and member are matched then Case will get assigned to that member. 


There are two special objects shipped with the Q-assign package (version greater than 4.477) which can be used as a lookup object in Member Matching Rules. Various rules/skills for users can be created based on attributes like language, support level, country, and region, to name a few and used in Matching Rule. Below are further details about these objects:


  1. Q-assign User Attributes: This object serves as a 1-1 mapping with the User object. Attributes (fields) can be added to this object and later used by Q-assign configuration to run various types of matching rules while distributing records (such as Leads, Cases).
  2. Q-assign Member Lookup Rules: This object serves as a 1-Many mapping with the User object. Attributes (fields) can be added to this object and later used by Q-assign configuration to run various types of matching rules while distributing records (such as Leads, Cases).

Following options are available in Match Type setting:

  1. Match to Lookup Object
  2. Match to Object (AG's object)
  3. Match to Fixed Value
  4. Match to Running User Id

1. Match to Lookup Object

This type of Matching Rules allows a field on the target object's related object to be matched to the user, Q-assign custom objects, or any other object with a user lookup. For Q-assign custom and other objects, apart from user, Link to User Via setting can be used to select the matching user.  

Set up and configure Member Lookup as follow:

  1. Go to QA Assignment Groups, select Assignment Group
  2. Go to Member Matching Rules | New
  3. Select Rule Type as Member Lookup

Parameters related to Match to Lookup Object are discussed below:

  • Id - A unique number for each rule which is then used in Matching Rules Filter Logic.
  • Match Object - it shows the option of which object contains the field to match the member
  1. Match to Lookup Object: It lists the lookup fields on the object of AG whose field will be matched with that of the user.
  2. Match to Object: It lists the fields of AG object whose field will be matched to that of the user
  • (Object) Lookup Field - the lookup field on AG object which points to another object, which contains the field that will be matched with the user. (Object) denotes the Object of Assignment Group and it can be Lead/Case etc. 
  • (Object) Match Field - this denotes the field of the object whose lookup is on AG's object. (Object) is different for AG's object and will be replaced by Lead or Case or the object the lookup points to.
  • Lookup Object - it allows selecting the lookup object e.g., user, case, account, etc. 
  • User Match Field - the field of User which is matched with the field of an object whose lookup is on AG's object
  • Ignore Quota - if checked, the object will be assigned to matching user anyway even if their assignment quota has exceeded and vice versa

  • Ignore Cap -  if checked, the object will be assigned to matching user anyway even if their assignment cap has exceeded and vice versa

If more than one AG Member match is found, then the Load Balancing criteria of Q-assign will be used to decide to which member the record will get assigned.


As per the screenshot below,  if Case is the object of an Assignment Group then (Object) Lookup Field will show as Case Lookup Field and if there is a lookup field on Case which points to Account then (Object) Match Field will show as an Account Match Field



2. Match to <Object>

This type of Matching Rules allows a field on the target object to be matched to a user, Q-assign custom objects, or any other object with a user lookup. For Q-assign custom and other objects, apart from user, Link to User Via setting can be used to select the matching user.  

Please note that <Object> represents the object of the Assignment Group.


Set up and configure Match to <Object> as follow:

  1. Go to QA Assignment Groups, select Assignment Group
  2. Go to Member Matching Rules | New
  3. Select Rule Type as Member Lookup

Parameters related to Match to Lookup Object are discussed below

  • Processing Order - the order in which you want this rule to be processed
  • Match to <Object> - it allows matching the specific field of an object with that of a user
  • <Object> Match Field - lists the fields of the object of AG which are to be matched with Member
  • User Match Field - the field of User which is to be matched with Object Match field and if matched the specific object record will be assigned to that user
  • Ignore Quota -  if checked, the object will be assigned to matching user anyway even if their assignment quota has exceeded

  • Ignore Cap - if checked, the object will be assigned to matching user anyway even if their assignment cap has exceeded

If more than one AG Member match is found, then the Load Balancing criteria of Q-assign will be used to decide which member the record will get assigned.


3. Match to Fixed Value

This type of Matching Rules allows a fixed value to be matched to the user, Q-assign custom objects, or any other object with a user lookup. For Q-assign custom and other objects, apart from user, Link to User Via setting can be used to select the matching user. 

Please note that <Object> represents the object of the Assignment Group.


Set up and configure Match to <Object> as follow:

  1. Go to QA Assignment Groups, select Assignment Group
  2. Go to Member Matching Rules | New
  3. Select Rule Type as Member Lookup

Parameters related to Match to Fixed Value are discussed below

  • Processing Order - the order in which you want this rule to be processed
  • Match Type - it allows to select the ‘Match to Fixed Value’ in this field
  • Fixed Value – fixed value to match with User or Q-assign Objects fields.
  • <Object> Lookup Field - the lookup field on AG object which points to another object, which contains the field that will be matched with the user. <Object> denotes the Object of Assignment Group and it can be Lead/Case etc. 
  • <Object> Match Field - this denotes the field of the object whose lookup is on AG's object. <Object> is different for AG's object and will be replaced by Lead or Case or the object the lookup points to.
  • Ignore Quota -  if checked, the object will be assigned to matching user anyway even if their assignment quota has exceeded

  • Ignore Cap - if checked, the object will be assigned to matching user anyway even if their assignment cap has exceeded


4. Match to Running User Id

This type of Matching Rule allows assigning a record to the same user who is modifying it. This is a real-time assignment and the ownership changes to the current user as soon as the record is saved. Behind the scenes, a trigger calls the Q-assign API which makes the assignments happen. 


Please contact us at for any questions.
