Enterprise Segregation

Assignment Group Segregation (Beta) - Release Version: Octopus (4.731)

New Q-assign functionality that allows use cases to be segregated, optimized, and scaled in a customizable way that satisfies the needs of modern enterprise organizations.

This latest release introduces the ability to run multiple Schedulers in parallel, essentially allowing your organization to manage several instances of Q-assign together.


Key Benefits & Use Cases

  • Segregate departmental use cases: departments can now be set up to have their own independent Schedulers, allowing each department to develop unique use cases with their own resources, Assignment Groups, and Schedulers.
  • Segregate Assignment Groups to match differing performance tiers: more demanding Assignment Groups can be assigned dedicated Schedulers over less demanding groups. Time-critical use cases can run separately from more resource-heavy, complex assignments.
  • Create production ‘staging areas’: Schedulers can be made available in production where use cases can be tested safely in the full production environment. 


Contact Us

To explore how your organization can benefit from using Enterprise Segregation, please contact us at:




