What is the 'Follow Me' Rule & How to Configure It


Follow Me Rule assigns new records that are either duplicates or similar to already assigned records to the same member. Follow Me Rule matches the records based on Match Field criteria which can be set. If a record is matched with already assigned records, one of its fields can be updated, e.g. to mark it as a duplicate. 

There are several cases in which Follow Me is useful to configure. For example, a lead or a case, etc. sent from the same customer or another case is created by the same customer. In such situations, it is useful that the same representative who got the original record should get the lead or case.


Note: Already assigned record/s must be assigned through Q-assign for Follow Me Rule to work and assign new record/s to the same member (Owner of already assigned record/s).


The following section contains instructions to set up Follow Me Rule and description of each field associated with this rule

Configure Follow Me Rule

Set up and configure the Follow Me Rule as follows:

  1. Go to QA Assignment Groups, select Assignment Group
  2. Go to Member Matching Rules | New
  3. Select Rule Type as Follow Me

Details of each parameter of Follow Me is described below:

  • Id - A unique number for each Follow Me rule which is then used in Matching Rules Filter Logic.
  • Match Field - the specific field of the object record which will be matched with already assigned records field. Note that both the field of incoming and assigned records are the same (Example: Company will be matched to Company field).
  • Look Back Period - the time to look back when looking for matching records. It represents the time span to look back while looking for matches. Look Back Period can be set in minutes, hours or days. If the Look Back Period is set as 1 Hour, then incoming records will be matched to all the records which were assigned during the past 1 Hour.
  • Update Field - the field of the incoming record which is matched with an already assigned record
  • Update Value - it represents the value of the fieldset in Update Field. It can be a text or picklist depending on the Update Field. This field can be used to identify the incoming records as duplicate.
  • This Assignment Group Only - it allows matching the records with current AG or to all AG's. Records that are matched with other AG member records, will also be marked as duplicate if this option is unchecked.
  • Ignore Quota - if checked, the object will be assigned to matching user anyway even if their assignment quota has exceeded and vice versa

  • Ignore Cap -  if checked, the object will be assigned to matching user anyway even if their assignment cap has exceeded and vice versa

  • Save - to save Follow Me configuration


Below example will assign the records to user who owns records with the same Email Address


Please contact us at support@ortooapps.com for any questions.
