How to sync Omni-Channel presence with QA Presence

Hey there! Welcome to this guide on how we can sync Omni-channel presences with Q-assign presence statuses.


What are the pre-requisites before syncing the presences?

  1. We need to create an apex trigger on 'UserServicePresence' object:

    trigger UserServicePresenceTrigger on UserServicePresence ( after delete, after insert, after update, before delete, before insert, before update )


    new ortoo_qra.GlobalApi_v1().triggerHandler_v1();


  2. We need a QA Presence with the name "Offline" and the rest of the QA Presence fields should have following values:

    • Enabled = Checked 

    • API Name = Offline

    • Sync with Omni-Channel = checked

    • Omni-Channel presence to sync = Offline

    • Default Availability = Unavailable



  3. Next, we need to ensure Omni-Channel is enabled in the org, service channel is set up, and presence statuses are configured. Please make sure that the user's profile has added that presence in Enabled Service Presence Status Access. For the sake of example, we have two active Omni-Channel presence statuses, namely 'OmniAvailable' and 'OmniUnavailable', as shown below:


How can we sync Omni-Channel presences in Q-assign?

If we want our presence in Q-assign i.e. "QA Presence" to be synced with Omni-Channel, we will have to take the following steps:

  1. Go to QA Presences tab.
  2. Open your existing QA Presence record and click 'Edit' or create a new record.
  3. Check the checkbox Sync with Omni-Channel.
  4. Enter the name of Omni-Channel presence status in Omni-Channel Presence To Sync field.
  5. Click Save.

    Please see below example for reference:

  6. Go to QA User Status tab.
  7. Click on Edit Presence Settings and then check Sync Presence with Omni-Channel checkbox. You should be able to see all the synced presences. Select the presence you require. In our case, let's say we select 'Offline'.

  8. As next step, go to the Omni-Channel widget in your org.

  9. Now change your presence to any other presence status, we're selecting 'OmniAvailable' (for this example):

  10. After the selected Omni-Channel presence is updated, your QA presence will be automatically synced to Available (the synced presence). 
  11. In order to confirm this, go to the QA User Status page:

  12. Refresh the browser page, the presence status will be updated as per the synced status:

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at
