Confirmation Pop-Ups getting blocked in Chrome on Mac and Window OS
It’s google chrome blocking certain JavaScript functions by default - sometimes these are exploited for phishing purposes however this has also affected legitimate use. To know more about it, please visit this help page:
Also, this issue is generally in Salesforce and not limited to our apps.
Workaround for macOS:
- Download the attached file chrome.command (Please see the attached file in the email)
- Copy it on your desktop
- Open a terminal window - should default to user home (if different, below will fail)
- Press Enter
- Type cd Desktop in terminal
- Again press Enter
- Type chmod u+x chrome.command
- Close all chrome browsers and quit chrome
- Double click on chrome.command file on the desktop to open chrome - then re-try the functionality that uses pop-up
Workaround for Windows:
- Quit all running instances of Chrome.
- Right-click your Chrome shortcut.
- Select Properties.
- At the end of the Target: line, add the command line flags: --disable-features="SuppressDifferentOriginSubframeJSDialogs"
With that example flag, it should look like: chrome.exe --disable-features="SuppressDifferentOriginSubframeJSDialogs" - Click Apply > OK.
- Launch Chrome using your shortcut.
Please contact us at for any questions.