Q-assign User Availability Component in Salesforce Lightning

Introducing the User Availability Component in Salesforce Lightning

Q-Assign allows you to add User Availability sidebar component in Salesforce Lightning interface where Users can easily set their overall and per Assignment Group availability. Users can set themselves as 'Logout/Login', 'Available' and 'Unavailable'. Logout button logs the user out of Q-Assign until they log back into Salesforce again (create a new Salesforce session) or press login button (appears if they are logged out).

This availability component also shows the Assignment Groups in which the current user is added as a member. Users can also 'Disable/Enable' themselves in individual Assignment Groups, where they are added as members. The green dot green colored dot shows that the current member is available for the assignment while Red dot red colored dot indicates otherwise

Adding the User Availability Component in Salesforce Lightning

Follow these simple steps to add the User Availability Component to your Salesforce Lightning interface:

  1. Go to Setup
  2. In the Quick Settings box type 'App Manager' and click on it
  3. In the App Manager, press detail (upside-down triangle) button of Lightning Usage App and click on Edit.

Please see the screenshot for further assistance.

  1. Click on the Utility Bar in the 'App Settings' side menu.
  2. Click Add on the Utility bar page, this will open a dropdown list with all the lightning components. Please select the UserAvailabilityComponent.

Please see the screenshot below for further assistance

Note: You need to deploy your Domain to all the Users. After deploying the domain to all users you will be able to see the Custom – Managed Components
Go to Setup, enter 'My Domain' in Quick Find box, then select 'My Domain' and then click ‘Deploy to Users’.

  1. Adjust the properties of the component as needed.

  1. Click Save to apply your changes.
  2. Click on the Salesforce gear icon on the top of the Home page and press Edit Page.
  3. On the next page, please arrange the 'Q-Assign component' as you like and click Save.


Following screenshot shows Q-Assign 'User Availability' component added on the sidebar.


Additional Customizations

Q-Assign regularly updates its features to cater to your specific needs. Some notable updates are:


Auto Redirect to Pulled Record (Update available in Q-assign v4.808.0 and later)

If 'Auto Redirect to Pulled Record' is unchecked then the user will be shown the link of the pulled record after clicking the 'Pull' button.


In Component Properties, you will see a checkbox named 'Auto Redirect to Pulled Record'. You can set the checkbox to true and upon pulling an object record the user will be automatically redirected to the pulled record.

Note: The default value of this checkbox is set as false

Force Show Enable/Disable Button (Update available in Q-assign v4.780.0 and later)


In many cases, the reps/agents do not have permission to view assignment groups. In order to cater to these needs, Force Show Enable/Disable button is introduced which can allow customers to change this behavior based on their requirements.


  • Follow the below steps and open UserAvailabilityComponent, you will see a checkbox named Force Show Enable/Disable button. You can set the checkbox to true and Enable/Disable button will be shown to the user even if the user does not have permission.

If it is set to false, then Enable/Disable button will not be shown if the user previously didn't have permission. As shown in the screenshot below, when the checkbox was set to false, the Q-assign user (non-admin user) was unable to see Enable/Disable button.

Note: The default value of this checkbox is set as false

Hide Assignment Group List (Update available in Q-assign v4.754.0 and later)

Admin users can have control over the visibility they give to their users. The User Availability Component can be configured to hide the Assignment Group section.
  • Follow the above steps and open UserAvailabilityComponent, you will see a checkbox named Hide Assignment Group List. You can set the checkbox to true and this will hide the list of assignment groups for users.   

This is how the component appears when Hide Assignment Group List checkbox is marked true:


Note: The default value of this checkbox is set as false

Please contact support@ortooapps.com for any questions.


