How to add a Q-assign User Status sidebar component

Add User Status component on the sidebar

Q-assign allows to add User Status sidebar component where users can easily set their overall and per Assignment Group availability. Users can set themselves as 'Logout/Login', 'Available' and 'Unavailable'. Logout button logs the user out of Q-assign until they log back into Salesforce again (create a new Salesforce session) or press login button (appears when they are logged out).


This sidebar component also lists the Assignment Groups the current user is a member of. Users can also 'Disable/Enable' themselves in individual AG, where they are added as members. Green dot shows that the current member is available/eligible for the assignment while Red dot indicates otherwise.


Following are the steps to add the User Status component:


  1. Click Your Name | Setup | Home | Home Page Layouts
  2. Edit the Home Page Layout you want to add sidebar component to
  3. Enable Q-assign checkbox and click Next


  1. On the next page, please arrange the Q-assign component as you like and click Save


  • Following screenshot shows Q-assign "User Status" component added on the sidebar


Please contact for any questions.
