Why Is My User Showing As Inactive in Assignment Groups?
Is your User or others showing as inactive or Out-of-Office in Assignment Groups? Don't worry, we've got you covered!
Users/members that are members of an Assignment Group will only be assigned Leads or Cases (or other records) if they are shown as Active, with a green dot in the Status column, as shown in the screenshot below. A red dot indicates that the user/member is inactive, and will not be assigned any records.
Let's take a look at what needs to happen in order for users to be active in their Assignment Groups:
Step 1: Assign a Q-Assign License
A Q-Assign license must be assigned to each user for them to become active. Licenses are automatically assigned in sandboxes, but in production organizations they will need to be assigned to users.
Step 2: Enable Users in the Assignment Group
Managers (and optionally users) can turn their status on and off per Assignment Group by using the Enable button in the Assignment Group setup.
Step 3: Set Users as Available
Users can set their status to "Available for Q-Assign" by ticking the checkbox from their "QA User Status" tab. Alternatively, you can set this field for users from the User setup area of Salesforce. If you don't want to use this feature, then just set it as available for all users as a one-off configuration, and don't give users access to this field. This setting allows users to turn on and off their general availability for all Assignment Groups, e.g. if they are going to be in a meeting or out at lunch or on holiday.
Step 4: Make Sure Users Are Logged In
A user must be logged in to be active if this feature is turned on for the Assignment Group. If the feature is not turned on, then it will show as n/a.
Please contact us at support@ortooapps.com for any questions.