Understanding the Error: Scheduling Jobs - You have exceeded the maximum number (100) of Apex scheduled jobs
You have exceeded the maximum number (100) of Apex scheduled jobs
Q-assign Scheduler is sometimes unable to schedule itself and throws an error that you have exceeded the maximum number of Apex scheduled jobs. This is due to a Salesforce limitation that allows only 100 Apex jobs to be scheduled to run in future. As a result, Q-assign is not able to schedule the Apex job to assign records. You can see an error in below screenshot of Control Panel tab.
This issue can be resolved by un-scheduling some of the other batches to ease out Salesforce limit, and Q-assign should be able to schedule itself after. In order to avoid this in future, we recommend a review of all scheduled jobs and see, which ones can be removed or their concurrent number can be reduced to free up some slots for Q-assign to run.
You can view your Apex Jobs here: Your Name | Setup, now search for Apex Jobs (you can see it under Jobs)
Please contact us at support@ortooapps.com for any questions.