How to hook and collect the debug logs in Q-assign


Please find the following instructions to hook and collect the debug logs, (first you will need to set debug levels and then hook debug logs):

Debug Level Settings for Classic

  1. Go to Setup | Debug Level | New
  2. Set the Debug Levels as follows:
    • Name: Ortoo
    • Apex Code: Level Debug
    • System: Level Debug
    • Database: Level Info
    • Rest should be at None
  3. Click Save

Debug Level Settings for Lightning

  1. Go to Setup | Debug Logs | New
  2. Click on New Debug Level as shown below:
  3. Proceed to Step 3 from Debug Level Settings for Classic as listed above.

Debug Log Setting

  1. Go to Setup | Debug Logs | New
  2. Set the Debug Logs as shown below:
  3. Note: User in Traced Entity Name should be the “Context User” of Q-assign. To find the Context User, please go to tab QA Control Panel | Section Q-assign User | Context User”. Please see the screenshot below:


Please note that debug logs of only that specific job where Q-assign didn't work as expected are needed i.e. In case some available users might have skipped for the assignment/not received any applications. To collect logs for Q-assign, please contact Salesforce support to help your company's IT Team to get the required logs. Please do let us know if permission from Ortoo is requested by Salesforce during this process and we will be happy to provide.


Please contact us at for any questions.
