Why logged out Users are getting assignments in Q-assign?
Q-assign looks at active Salesforce sessions for Users while assigning records from Assignment Groups where Assign to logged-in Users setting is enabled. This usually works well but sometimes customers report assignments to logged-out Users. This can happen mostly due to misunderstandings about the Salesforce sessions.
Solution: Q-assign provides an intelligent solution to bypass this situation. Users can log out themselves within Q-assign, not Salesforce, with the help of a button. It is conveniently placed in the side bar widget whose visibility can be controlled via setting in Assignment Group. Users can press the button at the end of their shift to close their session as far as Q-ssign is concerned and they will no longer receive any records through it. User status automatically resets (to Green) whenever they log back into Salesforce.
Shared below are the links for installing the widget to Salesforce lightning and console.
- How to add Q-assign User Availability Component in Salesforce Lightning
- How to add a Q-assign User Availability Component in Salesforce Console
Please contact us at support@ortooapps.com for any questions.