How to set the Scheduler Job Timeout using Custom Metadata Type
Setting Scheduler Jobs Timeout using Custom Metadata Type:
To set the Q-assign Scheduler Job Timeout (in minutes), go to Setup | Search | Custom Metadata Types.
- Click New and enter the values as given below:
Label: Q-assign Customer Settings
Plural Label: Q-assign Customer Settings
Object Name: Qassign_Customer_Settings
Object Name will be automatically generated with __mdt at the end i.e. Qassign_Customer_Settings__mdt
Click Save
- Create a New custom field on the Q-assign Customer Settings (Custom Metadata Type) as given below and click Save
Data Type: Text
Length: 255 Characters
Field Name: Value
Click Save
- After creating the above custom field, click Manage Q-assign Customer Settings button:
- Create a New record and fill the fields given below:
Label: Scheduler Job Timeout Minutes
Qassign Customer Settings Name: Scheduler_Job_Timeout_Minutes
Value: 30 (or any number of Minutes that you want to set for Scheduler Job Timeout)
Click Save
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